Tailored Faux Leather Truck Cab Mats

Manufactured by MKR Assets Ltd

Product Buying Options

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Additional Sales Information: Our Tailored Truck Mats can be purchased either on our website or over the phone with our customer service team. If you don't see your vehicle or you are unsure, please contact our team, we will be more than happy to help.

Product Description

Our truck cab mats are made with a high-quality faux leather material, providing a luxurious feel to your truck. While improving your vehicle's look and feel, our high-end floor mats also offer superior interior protection. The padded durable material not only makes it easy to wipe clean but also helps to reduce road noise, additionally protecting against muddy shoes, and more, with the water-resistant quality.

Each truck mat is designed to fit perfectly, tailored to fit all the contours of the vehicle, floor, seats, and even the dashboard. Choose from our standard or quilted fabric in either single-stitch or double-stitch designs and a choice of colours to give your DAF CF a coordinated and smart finish.

Feeling fancy? Why not complete the look with a high-quality mattress topper, in the same colour and material as your fitted truck mats?

Applicable Product Categories

Manufacturer Profile

MKR Assets Ltd

Transport / Automotive

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