Total Connections 2009 Ltd

Total Connections 2009 Ltd
Electronics / Components
01249 812707
Unit 2 Clark Avenue
SN11 9BS
United Kingdom
Joined Jul 2021

Primary Manufacturer of Electrical Connections & Earthing Products
Total Connections 2009 Ltd is a primary manufacturer of a wide range of standard and bespoke electrical connections and earthing equipment. This includes electrical terminals (lugs), busbars, earth bars, lattice earth mats and braids. It manufactures in a range of materials, including copper, stainless steel, brass, bronze, Monel and beryllium copper. Its products can be plain or plated according to the customer's needs.
Bespoke Manufacture
Total Connections 2009 Ltd has earned a reputation for its agile bespoke design and manufacturing capabilities. It has teamed with many market-leading blue-chip companies across the globe and the company is seen by many as a partner in its product development. Our website showcases a number of products that have been bespoke manufactured, be they terminals, busbars and other earthing products.
BSEN 61238
We also offer mechanical testing for cable assemblies to confirm achieving the standard BSEN 61238-1-1:2019. This ensures compliance, protection for stakeholders, evidence for interested parties and an opportunity for marketing.
Total Connections has partnered with companies in Aerospace, Automotive, Battery Technology, Building Services, Data Centres, Defence, Electrical Contractors, Energy & Distribution, EV & EV Charging, Manufacturing, Medical, Oil, Gas & Sub-sea, Rail, Renewables and Telecoms.
ISO Accreditation
Total Connections 2009 Ltd has achieved accreditation for ISO9001:2015 (Quality Management), ISO14001:2015 (Environmental Management), and ISO45001:2018 (Health & Safety). It is Achilles UVDB qualified.