Vac-Ex Ltd

Vac-Ex Ltd
Building & Construction / Construction
01302 235099 Buy Online
Coulman Road Industrial Estate
United Kingdom
Joined Jan 2023

Vac-Ex Limited is a UK company. We design and manufacture compact, towable vacuum excavators and safe dig equipment. Today, especially in inner city locations the ground is congested with cables and pipes, some carrying high voltage electricity, vital information, or explosive gases. The location of many services is inaccurately mapped or simply not known. Striking a service can lead to a disruption to supply, injury or even fatalities. A loss of supply for businesses, hospitals, military, or emergency services can be catastrophic. Costs incurred to the excavating company can amount to six figure sums.
Everything we do at Vac-Ex is to provide an excavation method that will allow the exposure of buried services and utilities without damage. The use of vacuum excavation is safer than traditional dig methods, quicker and easier. Also, in many applications, less material needs to be removed from the ground. Our Air-Ex air lance when connected to an air compressor injects a blast of air to break up compacted ground, it can then be removed with the high level of vacuum from one of our compact vacuum excavators.
At present we manufacture three models, the T-Vac 2 tracked, our most compact machine the Air-Vac tracked, and our excavator mounted 360-Vac. Each machine has been designed to be compact, easily towed and can be operated by your own staff. Compact Vacuum Excavators offer the advantage that they are cost effective to mobilise and less disruptive by reducing traffic management or inconvenience to the public.
Vac-Ex has sold compact units in the UK and overseas for many applications such as general utilities, house building, electrical substation work, fencing contracts, petro-chemical and military applications. Current users have easily adapted to the use of vacuum excavation and have immediately appreciated the advantage over hand or machine dig.