Envirotect has received ISO:9001:2015 certification by UKAS accredited ISO certification body Alcumus ISOQAR. This is the company’s first audit using digital documentation after it decided to become a paperless office at the start 2023.
“I am delighted to announce that Envirotect has successfully renewed its ISO:9001:2015 certification,” said managing director Niven Smith. “The transition from paper files was quite daunting to begin with. However, there are significant environmental benefits in going paperless and the business benefits are equally compelling as digital documents can be stored and retrieved much faster; it is far more secure.” The ISO accreditation helps ensure that products and services meet the needs of customers through effective quality management systems.
Envirotect’s range includes lead-lined plasterboards or plywood, door sets, x-ray screens, observation windows, cabinets, lead glass, lead vinyl curtains and RF Cages.
Find out more about Envirotect Limited on their member profile page here
Member-created content 1 year ago | From members