Made in Britain seeks non-executive director

BRITISH manufacturers’ trade association Made in Britain is planning to appoint an additional unpaid non-executive director to its board. The advertisement can be seen on LinkedIn here. To apply, email the Made in Britain chairman, Chris Harrop OBE at and copy the CEO, John Pearce at

Below is the text from the advertisement.

About the job

Helping Made in Britain reach even higher in 2023.

Made in Britain, the official collective mark for British manufacturers, is seeking a non-executive director to expand upon our current board team as we prepare to grow membership far beyond the current c. 1,900 British manufacturers. As a non-profit organisation, adhering to a code of conduct and strict eligibility criteria, our board of directors is made up of current active members of Made in Britain, all with broad experience in successful stewardship of a manufacturing enterprise, and contributing to the board with senior leadership skills as well as specific strategic and governance capabilities.

Having recently affirmed a strategic roadmap for growth and visibility of the official collective mark, we would be particularly interested to hear from members with proven expertise in any or all of the following pillar workstreams.

  • HR and contracting
  • Legal and compliance
  • Risk management
  • Brand and collective mark
  • Engagement and PR

The executive team works collaboratively with board sponsors on each workstream and strategic pillar, providing guidance and assurance for our chief executive, operations officer and the specialist agency teams.

Our non-executive directors are registered at Companies House and non-remunerated. The current tenure under Made in Britain Articles of Association are terms of up to three (3) years. The successful candidate should be able to contribute with up to eight (8) hours of participation per calendar month - additionally, there are five (5) board meetings per year.

Candidates should be familiar with our Articles of Association, specifically our objects, our terms and the Made in Britain code of conduct which is compulsory. Our board would expect all non-executives to contribute specific skills, knowledge or experience to help the board reach sound decisions. This may involve scrutinising board and other papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, and providing advice and guidance on new initiatives and other issues related to growing Made in Britain impacts, visibility and value proposition.

To apply, in the first instance, we ask that you write in confidence to Made in Britain chairman, Chris Harrop OBE: with cc. to our chief executive, John Pearce:

We will be receiving registrations of interest up to Friday, 29 July.

Role of non-executive directors at Made in Britain

·   Ensure that Made in Britain complies at all times with its governing documents, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
·   Ensure that Made in Britain pursues its objects as defined in its governing documents.
·   Maintain proper financial control and ensure that Made in Britain applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects.
·   Maintain the vision, mission and values of the Made in Britain code of conduct.
·   Advise on the operational management of the organisation.
·   Ensure that risk assessments for all aspects of the business are carried out to safeguard the good name and values of Made in Britain.
·   Maintain effective board performance and ensure the effective and efficient administration of the non-profit organisation, limited by guarantee.
·   Promote the Made in Britain collective mark and its value proposition.
·   Act in the best interests of all members of Made in Britain.

By Made in Britain 2 years ago | By Made in Britain

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