We are delighted to welcome ten new members to the Made in Britain membership this week. Below, we take a look at who they are, what they do, and how they intend to use the Made in Britain Mark.
First to join the Engineering sector is Ducting Supplies, who manufacture ventilation components and fans. They will be using the Made in Britain Mark on their products, packaging, vehicle livery, factory, warehouse, brochures, technical guides, digital communications, social media, and their website.
Next up to join the Engineering sector is Brooker Piling Solutions Limited, manufacturers of foundation drilling tools for the piling industry, including Helical Piles. They intend to use the Made in Britain Mark on their brochures, digital communications, social media, website, factory, and at exhibitions.
Proseal UK Ltd are also joining the Engineering sector this week. They design, manufacture, and service high-quality tray sealing and end-of-line packaging machinery on-site in Cheshire. They will use the Made in Britain Mark on their products, brochures, exhibitions, digital communications, social media, and website.
Also joining the Engineering sector is Ludwick Precision Ltd, experts in sheet metal design and fabrication of bespoke furniture. They plan to use the Made in Britain Mark on their packaging, premises, factory, exhibitions, brochures, digital communications, social media, and their website.
Portaramp (UK) Ltd is the last member joining the Engineering sector this week. They are specialists in the design and manufacture of lightweight portable ramps and are a market leader for access ramp solutions in the rail industry. They will use the Made in Britain Mark on brochures, technical guides, digital communications, exhibitions, social media, and on their website.
Joining the Agriculture sector is Celadon Pharma Ltd, who manufacture cannabis-based medicinal products. They are going to use the Made in Britain Mark on their products, packaging, premises, factory, warehouse, exhibitions, brochures, social media, and website.
Urban Tricycles join the Food & Beverage sector. They design and build mobile vending carts. They will use the Made in Britain Mark on their products, premises, warehouse, social media, and website.
The Building & Construction sector sees Bowden Tailored Wood joining this week. They craft bespoke timber windows and doors and will use the Made in Britain Mark on their website, social media, literature, vans, and in their offices.
Bemis Ltd joins the Home & Living sector. Based in Burnley, Lancashire, they have been manufacturing toilet seats since 1932. They intend to use the Made in Britain Mark on their products, packaging, care labels, premises, factory, warehouse, exhibitions, brochures, technical guides, digital communications, social media, website, and across their supply chain.
Our final member to join this week is Simmonsigns, to the Electronics sector. They design and make road safety solutions from their factory in Telford, including pedestrian crossing posts, Belisha beacons, school patrol warning lights, subway lighting, traffic safety bollards, and much more. They are planning to use the Made in Britain Mark on their products, packaging, supply chain, workwear, premises, factory, warehouse, exhibitions, brochures, technical guide, digital communications, social media, and website.
From everyone at Made in Britain, we would like to welcome this week's new members. We look forward to seeing your Members’ News stories and your products in the Members’ Product Directory.
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By Made in Britain 10 months ago | By Made in Britain