Happy New Year from us here at Backup Systems! We hope you spent time with your loved ones and celebrated going into 2025. Along with the new year also comes new year’s resolutions, and if there’s one you should stick to this year it should be to backup your systems! You never know what threats might develop this year that could be a threat to your system, and while you were off taking time to relax over the Christmas period, the hackers have been hard at work developing clever ways to rob you of your systems.
There is never a period where your systems aren’t at risk, but if there was ever a time to act and ensure you’re protected then now is the time! We at Backup Systems have got you covered, we highly advise you to get in contact with us, and we can organise a Teams or Zoom call where we can give you a thorough rundown of any of our services for free. We want you to make sure you’re getting the right solution for you therefore we like to offer our clients a free demo that’ll give them peace of mind they aren’t investing in something that is of no use to them.
One of the easiest ways you could lose access to your system would be if you fell victim to a phishing scam. It happens all too often, you receive an email that either looks legit or has a sense of urgency in it to make you panic and act quickly, causing you to fall right into their trap. An attachment that appears to be from a trusted source, or a link asking you to change your password because you’ve allegedly been compromised is the exact tactic that can have you wave goodbye to your systems.
There is the real risk of not just the systems going down, but your job could be on the line too. If you cause an entire business that isn’t correctly backed up to suddenly lose everything, then the chance of you not being fired would be second to none. It’s a lot more than just a computer losing a few files, these are entire infrastructures that rely on the protection of their systems, with the correct security and backup measures in place.
We do our part by enforcing SSO and MFA protection when it comes to your backups, your backups are in safe hands when it comes to keeping them away from unwanted access. We don’t just treat your data like you’re another number in our system, we do the best we can to look after your systems as well as you, which is why we offer fast and reliable support that you won’t be disappointed with.
Get in contact with us today either by calling us at 0845 671 0290 or emailing us at info@backupsystems.co.uk and we will have you secured in no time. We also have a reviews page in which you can see our client's thoughts about our service https://www.reviews.co.uk/company-reviews/store/back-up-systems-ltd
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