
Manufactured by GreenBlue Urban

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Additional Sales Information: CAD design drawing:- https://greenblue.com/gb/drawings/gbu3119/ For bespoke deign service and enquiries on cost please contact enquiries@greenblue.com

Product Description

This is a ‘plug and play’ sustainable urban drainage solution (SUDs) that can attenuate and cleanse storm water and provide amenity and biodiversity to new and existing spaces. The modules will be filled with a particular soil specification and planted wildflowers and biodiverse grasses.

The concept is flexible, scalable and each unit stacks together to be a convenient solution that any subcontractor can work with and install. Installation is fast, simple and offers significant savings to alternative methods.

The modular characteristics with pre-calculated hydrological performance statistics mean that specification and design is very simple for any given catchment area.

Manufacturer Profile

GreenBlue Urban

Building & Construction / Construction

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