Ripple RFID Lift and Learn

Manufactured by Ripple

Product Buying Options

Product Description

This experience utilises a placement pad to create Interaction and activate a display of Information about a selected product. When a product ls lifted and placed on the RFID pedestal a receptor launches the experience, activating custom content on the paired screen. 

This experience uses technology to take intuitive in-store actions to a new level, creating learning opportunities for the consumer and data-guided solutions for the brand. When a product Is lifted from the rack or pedestal, the RFID sensor sends a signal to the media player that triggers content relating to the product selected. Customers can explore products in a tactile way while also viewing additional information to help them make a decision, opening opportunities to show alternative colours, materials or models of the selected items.

This is an excellent choice when you are limited to the volume of merchandise you can keep in a small format store or when your customers need more information to make a purchase. 

This product is fully customisable to your brand and product. 

Manufacturer Profile


Building & Construction / Construction

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