Are you looking for somebody to make you something in Britain?

IT'S a story we hear time and again here at Made in Britain, a member tells us they needed something making quickly and it turned out there was somebody along the road who could do it the next day. Or the quality from an existing supplier wasn't up to the job and so our member found another provider who made it better and for the same price in a factory 30 minutes' drive away. "If only we had known about them ten years ago... " is a common refrain.

In Britain, we can make anything. We can make it well, for a fair price and we can do it far more economically and sustainably than in a factory halfway across the world.

It's a hard lesson recently learned by many importers: overseas supply chains can be unreliable and inflexible. So, if you want something making, we think it's only fair that you look to British manufacturers first. They might not be the cheapest, on the face of it, but they will provide excellent customer service and they will work hard to make you exactly what you want. They will speak your language.

If it costs a few quid more for trust and dependability, so what? Either you reduce your margin in the knowledge that you will sleep better at night, or you nudge up your selling price for a product that will be better than your rivals' offerings.

This year Made in Britain has grown faster than at any time in its history and it is now looking to extend its services to members and UK manufacturers by offering a match-making service. If you are a designer, an inventor, an entrepreneur, a service provider or a manufacturer who needs something, or things, making, we can help.

Tell us what it is you need, without giving away all your trade secrets, and what materials you think it might be made of. Tell us how many you think you might need and when you would need them by. Don't include sensitive design details in the message to us. Only include information in the email that you are happy for us to share with our members. Email this and any other pertinent information to and we will do our best to find you a British manufacturer who can do the job.

We have members who have signed up for 'opportunity alerts' and we email them with a link to the story we will post on our website. If one of them thinks they can help you, they contact us and we put the two of you in touch with each other.

If you are a member of Made in Britain and would like to sign up for opportunity alerts, email Nicola at and put 'I'd like to know more about opportunity alerts' in the subject line. You will need to sign-up formally when the service goes live.

By Made in Britain 4 years ago | From members

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