MADE in Britain member Aroma Care Solutions has alcohol-free hand sanitiser in stock and is offering it in 50ml, 250ml, 500ml and five litre quantities.
Quentin Steele, managing director of PCS Group, which owns Aroma Care Solutions, told Made in Britain, “We currently supply those people who are at the coal face dealing with the virus, but it occurred to me there may be members or older, vulnerable people who wish they had some sanitiser, but cannot find or obtain it. In order to help, as we have plenty of supply and there may be some who are in real need, I am offering 20 per cent off the normal prices online.”
Find out more information about Aroma Care Solutions and order product from the website here.
Find out more about Aroma Care Solutions on their member profile page here
Member-created content 4 years ago | By Made in Britain