In the 1990’s John Elkington stated that businesses should apply the Triple Bottom Line analysis. It would evaluate not only the health of their balance sheet but that of their supply chain, customers and its overall impact on the planet. Whilst some acknowledgement was made, it took a few more years before we as humans decided that the Gaia principle may not be the best way forward. The UN and many other organisations designed a strategy for reducing carbon footprints and global warming and have subsequently urged us all to be net zero by 2050.
However, it has been reported that there are many organisations who ‘window dress’ or ‘greenwash’ rather than take climate change seriously. Furthermore, businesses are still looking only at the figure at the bottom of the balance sheet and not at the two other aspects, which is partly understandable when global economics and events have such an impact. So, what’s the answer?
Choose a supplier such as us; we continue to use the TBL framework to deliver on all aspects of our business. Our eco credentials and strategies can be seen in action, our workforce, customers and suppliers are all part of the MO family, and all of this helps to maintain our healthy bottom line. So, if you want credibility and competitive edge, vet your suppliers then let everyone know how you are leading the charge for a more sustainable future.
Visit our website to view our progress and accreditations. or download our current product brochure
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Member-created content 1 year ago | From members