Get rid of smelly pet beds & carpets

Bio one™ can help you eliminate those pesky pet smells - they just linger in your pet’s bedding or on your carpets and leave your home rather er, 'whiffy'.

We all love our pets, but their beds can become really pongy and leave a ‘scent trail’ throughout the house – especially on our rugs and carpets. So how do we remove the pong permanently? It’s easy – simply grab your bottle of Bio one™ Pet Odour Remover + Refresher and start spraying.


  1. Simply vacuum the bed or carpet thoroughly, removing any unwanted debris
  2. Spray liberally with Bio one™ Pet Odour Remover + Refresher – it needs to remain wet in order to be effective
  3. Work the solution into the fibres and leave for at least 3 hours, or overnight if possible
  4. Remember it is a natural, chemical free product so may need a second application for really set in smells.

Bonus Tip
We also have our Deodorising Powder for Carpets which is a little easier to use on larger areas.
It’s just as easy to use:
- Vacuum the carpet well – making sure you get rid of all the pet hair and debris
- Sprinkle on our Deodorising Powder for Carpets.
- Work the powder into the fibres with a stiff brush and leave for 2 hours or overnight if possible.
- Vacuum the powder away and enjoy the fresh scent.

Bonus Tip
We also have our Deodorising Powder for Carpets which is a little easier to use on larger areas.
It’s just as easy to use:

- Vacuum the carpet well – making sure you get rid of all the pet hair and debris.
- Sprinkle on our Deodorising Powder for Carpets.
- Work the powder into the fibres with a stiff brush and leave for 2 hours or overnight if possible.
- Vacuum the powder away and enjoy the fresh scent.

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Member-created content 2 years ago | From members

Article Tags: Aroma Care Solutions

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