Extending your reach in PR and with social media
In 2023, more than 1,000 Made in Britain members published their news, features, innovations, and updates via the Made in Britain members' news channel, which is exclusive to British manufacturers that are licence holders of the official Mark.
Sending in your stories couldn’t be easier – just follow the step-by-step guide once you’ve logged in to your profile page via the Members' Area on our website. You can publish as many stories as you like, but it makes sense to send in only one story at a time as that will increase the likelihood of your story featuring on our front page more prominently on that day – like this story, London, New York, Paris….Ingleborough? from Glencroft.
“I’m sure there is nothing quite so inclusive and representative of SME and larger manufacturing sectors as the Made in Britain news channel. I love seeing what our members are up to, what new products they’re launching and how they are striving to make things better for everyone. Great new stories are popping up every week - sometimes as many as ten in one day. The channel is helping to build a uniquely positive, public narrative of British manufacturing leading the way to a more sustainable and profitable future.”
John Pearce, CEO Made in Britain
If your story is good news about British manufacturing, or a helpful guide on marketing, sales, sustainability or procurement, then it will be evaluated, checked and published on its own news page, with a copy published on your company's profile page simultaneously. All of which helps you to promote your business and your products, achieving a broader audience, including on social media with the easy links at the foot of the page like this:
All articles submitted by Made in Britain members are read and approved by the Editorial team and will appear in Members’ news on the Made in Britain website. Member submissions with the broadest appeal will be used in weekly newsletters and social media channels and will be passed on to the Made in Britain PR team.
The Made in Britain PR team secures wider media coverage to raise the profile of the mark and the organisation, as well as amplifying news from the community of members beyond their own channels. Articles from Made in Britain frequently feature in trade press titles and mainstream media outlets giving members a valuable boost in exposure for their business. View the latest articles from our PR team.
“The Made in Britain Member News channel brings together a daily snapshot of progress in the British manufacturing sector today - innovations, launches, expansions and much more. It is a unique blend of stories that has quickly become a go-to news source for the latest developments in the Made in Britain community and across the UK manufacturing sector.”
Sarah Chappell, Made in Britain's PR team
Breaking through to media channels with good news about manufacturing is much easier if you carry the official, licenced Made in Britain mark with you. Make your New Year’s business resolution by adding to the voice of British manufacturing here at Made in Britain.
By Made in Britain 11 months ago | By Made in Britain