Instinct scoops Customer Focus Award from the GAI

Haq Meharban was crowned top of the customer service pile at this year’s Guild of Architectural Ironmongers, where he won the Customer Focus Award. This award is given to individuals, companies or teams who have gone the extra mile to deliver excellent in customer service. This can be through new processes or delivering beyond expectations. 

The Guild commented on the win “It’s great to see that Haq is being put forward by people within his company and also customers. This shows that his focus to customer service is clearly respected internally as well as externally.”

The award marks a first time win at the awards for Instinct, who have previously been shortlisted for their project work on a bespoke Red Bull Handle, as well as for the Company Innovation. 

Haq says “I am overwhelmed to have been given this award – Instinct has always been a very customer-focussed organisation, and I and my colleagues always work hard to exceed expectations. We’re thrilled to have that recognised.”

The 2024 GAI Community Awards took place on Saturday 8th June at Staverton Park Hotel and was part of the Members Day, celebrating the best businesses and individuals in ironmongery. For more information about the GAI Awards, check out their awards page. To work with Instinct on your next project, just contact us.

Find out more about Instinct Hardware on their member profile page here

Member-created content 5 months ago | From members

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