Help to spearhead the Green Growth Programme alongside your peers and Victoria Page (below)
BUSINESSES can't ignore the climate crisis any longer. We know that doing business sustainably is a critical success factor for manufacturers. We aim to support our members' sustainability journey through the Green Growth Programme - our dedicated bank of free resources, tools and expert recommendations.
As part of this, Made in Britain is building a working group to support the delivery of the Green Growth Programme and ensure it’s powered up for 2021 and beyond. We’re looking for keen participants from our membership, who are passionate about green growth, to join and help shape the programme. We’d love to invite you to join us. See below for more detail about what joining the working group looks like.
What is the working group?
As part of the group, you’ll be invited to share your ideas and suggestions for implementing the Green Growth Programme and to enable us to achieve our vision: “For every UK manufacturer to advance their progress on sustainability”. We are looking for hands-on members who will support us with action and implementation. In return, you’ll benefit from advanced insight into the shape of the Green Growth Programme and a vibrant network of members to learn from and share experiences on becoming more sustainable.
What are we asking from you?
The group will be made up of ten Made in Britain members. The core objective is to help advance the Green Growth Survey and Programme. We’ll be calling on both your insider knowledge and also, importantly, your help in actioning the programmes we co-create.
We will meet every other month (six per year), for 90 minutes. Your membership of the working group will be set for 12 months, with an option to re-join or bow out in the second year. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday 14 October 2021 from 1.00pm to 2.30pm via Zoom.
We’re keen to hear from members who want to share their experiences and knowledge and are willing to actively participate in making the Green Growth Programme a success. If you want to join us, please answer the below questions and email your responses to by 6.00pm on Friday 1 October 2021. We’ll then consider all applications and advise you if you have been successful week commencing 4 October.
Answer these questions in your email:
- Tell us briefly about their organisation’s sustainability journey. How and when did you get started? What triggered your journey?
- Where are you currently most focussed on your company’s sustainability? Choose from: local hiring; local raw materials; clean/ renewable energy; circularity; emissions reduction; net-zero; Sustainable Development Goals; waste reduction; water use; energy efficiency; supply chain standards; community engagement.
- What do you see as the greatest opportunity for your organisation in regard to the green transition?
- Finally, what would you bring to this group from your experience (enthusiasm and your commitment to manufacturing in Britain are a given)?
By Made in Britain 3 years ago | By Made in Britain