Made in Britain offers its very best wishes to His Royal Highness King Charles III and Her Royal Highness Queen Camilla upon their Coronation.
As an organisation that unites close to 2,000 British manufacturers by their licensed use of the Made in Britain collective mark, we are proud of our community’s many links with the monarch and the Royal Household.
We are delighted that several Made in Britain members have been honoured by this year’s Kings’ Awards for Enterprise in recognition of their outstanding achievements in British manufacturing. Our members also include a number of holders of the Royal Warrant of Appointment, as suppliers of goods to the Royal Household.
Furthermore, The Prince’s Trust has made a huge contribution to British business, as well as transforming young people’s lives. The Trust’s work helping youngsters get into training and jobs is of great value to the manufacturing sector and the economy as a whole.
One of Made in Britain’s key activities is helping members achieve their sustainability goals. This is a priority for most businesses today, but it was not always thus. The King’s impact in this area is hard to overestimate; an early environmental pioneer, he has spent decades highlighting the importance of sustainable business practices.
Made in Britain offers its heartfelt thanks to King Charles III for his decades of contribution to British business and wishes him a long and successful reign.
By Made in Britain 1 year ago | By Made in Britain