Members asked for views on the UK's 'carbon border'

Following discussion with members, Made in Britain extends the UK government’s invitation for views on a ‘Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism’ (CBAM).  The deadline for responses is 13th June 2024.

Subject of this consultation

The introduction from January 2027 of a CBAM on imports into the UK of certain carbon-intensive goods.  This consultation, undertaken jointly by His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and His Majesty’s Treasury (HMT), seeks views on proposals for the design and administration of the mechanism.

Scope of this consultation

The UK government announced that, following a previous consultation, it would introduce a CBAM from 1 January 2027 on imports of certain carbon intensive goods from the following sectors: aluminium; cement; ceramics; fertilisers; glass; hydrogen; and iron & steel.  This consultation sets out how the government intends to structure and administer a CBAM and invites views from interested parties.

UK manufacturers

The government is keen to hear from UK manufacturers and associated importers and agents, amongst other interested parties.


For full details please read the following page (note the link to the document towards the bottom):

To respond, please complete the form, which will be shared between HMRC and HMT:

Contact Made in Britain

If you would like to make contact with Made in Britain or its advisor George Middleton – concerning CBAM, the UK government, supply chains or international trade more widely – please email 

By Made in Britain 8 months ago | Environmental & Social Value

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