MPM welcome local students for factory tour

MPM, in collaboration with Ahead Partnership, welcome local students for a Factory Tour

As founding members of the Leeds Manufacturing Festival, an event dedicated to connecting young people to the manufacturers of our city, we're committed to highlighting the variety that a manufacturing career has to offer, particularly, as we mentioned to the young people of our city.

We've recently worked with the team at Ahead Partnership, an ESG specialist, offering our factory tour experience to students from one of our local schools.

Paul Wintersgill, Finance Director, said: "We're proud to be connecting with the next generation of manufacturers. It's so important that these students can see, in person, the opportunities that are out there, the variety of roles, and the benefits wokring in manufacturing can have."

If you're interested in a factory tour for your school/college, why not get in touch with our team right here? In the meantime, we have a virtual factory tour: 

Find out more about Moulds, Patterns And Models Limited on their member profile page here

Member-created content 2 years ago | From members

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