Reshoring Supply Chain & AllScope Procurement

Reshoring supply chain is a term used to describe the process of returning to your own countries market place when sourcing goods and materials.

On the anniversary of renewing our Made in Britain membership we look at the practice of reshoring supply chain and also review the AllScope Projects procurement process.

From raw materials such as resin, glass, metalwork and paints, to business services such as marketing, equipment servicing and supplies, we are delighted to confirm our purchasing supply chain is 100% UK based.

Over the last few years we are pleased to see an increase in enquiries from UK manufacturers that are reshoring and restoring their procurement practices for GRP. Similarly we are seeing an increase in enquiries from offshore, sourcing from us in the UK, particularly in the European train manufacture industry. You can view our profile on the ReshoringUK – UK Engineering marketplace here

There are many reasons for businesses that currently or traditionally purchase from abroad, to reevaluate their buying practices. It is commonly accepted, over the last 20 years, China became a factory to the world in manufacturing. Other countries such Malaysia, Vietnam and more recently Asian countries including Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka have seen an increase in manufacturing output.

Typically this trend is due to high populations providing large workforces and low labour costs. But quality sourcing cannot solely reply on cheap labour costs and indeed is certainly not an ethical way of trading.

Whilst we are buying 100% of products and services from within the UK supply chain, we acknowledge that not all raw materials are produced in the UK. However, we are always looking to source raw materials locally and welcome suppliers that can partner with us to achieve this goal. Sometimes reshoring procurement based on your product / service is simply not possible e.g. raw materials, but we will always challenge the possibility and where appropriate, apply the rule and strengthen our procurement resilience.

Benefits of Reshoring to UK Supply Chain:
In developing and managing our procurement strategy, we look at a wide range of elements such as risk, time, ethicacy, economy (local and world), availability, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and finance.

We have put together a top reasons list that could help your decision making when sourcing and planning your GRP procurement (or any product and service) from within the UK including: 

  • Support the UK Economy
  • Environmental Impact
  • Reduced Times
  • Quality Labour
  • Collaborative Working
  • Risk Mitigation

 View our reasoning for these benefits on our website at  

At AllScope Projects we are proud to endorse local trading and are members of Made In Britain and Composites UK . 

Have you recently reviewed your procurement process and considered reshoring?

Do you have short term thinking when it comes to supply within the UK, or have you adopted a long term strategy?

We welcome the opportunity to talk with UK manufacturers, particularly if you are looking for GRP solutions. We are a GRP manufacturer based in Lancashire, North West and supply GRP both nationally and Internationally. 

Find out more about AllScope Projects on their member profile page here

Member-created content 1 year ago | From members

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