Please say hello to our new team members!
Introducing Aaron Iredale and Jennifer Maclean
It's been such a busy time just recently at Architectural Panel Solutions, which is why we've been investing in new employees!
Earlier this month I had the opportunity of catching up with the team at APS. It’s been a while since I had the pleasure of talking with everyone in person. And this time the pleasure was twofold. I also had the chance to speak with two of our new team members: Aaron Iredale (Production Manager) and Jennifer Maclean (Factory Administrator).
It has been a relatively short time that both Aaron and Jennifer have been with APS, but in a short time, they've achieved so much.
I’m sure you’ll join me in welcoming Aaron and Jennifer to the team and enjoy the interviews which follows:
As Factory Administrator, Jennifer is responsible for managing all internal purchasing for the factory and the company as a whole. From carrying out various administrative tasks for the factory to running payroll and dealing with HR matters, the role is actually quite varied and at times quite fast-paced, but she thrives under pressure. Take a look!
In his role as Production Manager Aaron's role is all-encompassing, and essentially he is responsible for the production of both our Petrarch recon stone panels and Downer framing. Initially he was appointed to bridge the gap between Operations and the shop floor in the factory, yet the role has expanded due to some staff changes. It’s been an extremely sharp learning curve yet he I relishing it. Find out more here.
If you'd like to stay ahead of everything that's happening at APS, keep checking back to our blog.
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Member-created content 1 year ago | From members