Software Integration Solutions – what are the key influences driving demand and adoption?

Before we can understand the reasons behind why an organisation may want to implement a software management integration solution, such as Datalog, first we need to understand what one is.

A software integration solution is essentially a software platform that integrates several unconnected safety, building, fire or security systems, controlling them via a single graphical user interface (GUI). The platform enables the operator to monitor and detect events triggered by different systems and to resolve them in an optimal way.

Now more than ever, businesses are wanting greater visibility of potential threats to their assets, quicker response times to incidents, a complete audit trail of how events have been handled internally and improved efficiency.

Current behaviour shows that many organisations could be in a position where, over times they have had different systems installed at different locations, by different system integrators, from different manufacturers, which, over the years have either become obsolete or outdated and no longer fit for purpose.

If this is the case for your organisation, you need to ask yourself some of the following questions:

  •  Are you putting your premises and business assets at risk?
  • Are you putting your staff and visitors at risk?
  • Are you outing your reputation at risk?
  • What potential threats could happen if you are using outdated systems?
  • What can you do to mitigate these risks?
  • Can you provide a full report and audit trail of events?

This is where a system, such as Datalog, can help.

In essence by adopting and installing a software management solution you ultimately transform the way your business views and manages everything from fire systems to staff safety systems to CCTV, and much more.

Giving the operator increased information and wider situational awareness enabling them to proactively make informed decisions.

A complete software management system does not just focus on security, monitoring of energy or thresholds for example, or providing you with information on your BMS systems, ensuring the safety of your employees with regards to lone working could be invaluable.

A comprehensive system will take all the above and much more into account, providing you with enhanced visibility, improved accountability and a real return on your investment.

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