TextureJet wins ‘Pivot into Space’ grant

TextureJet has won a grant from the Midlands Aerospace Alliance’s Pivot into Space Programme to develop its new ArcSlice® technology. This Programme, which helps companies transition into the space sector, is funded by the UK Space Agency.

Aerospace, and other high value manufacturing industries are always looking to maximise efficiency and increase sustainability. Materials such as polymer-based composites are therefore increasingly attractive, due to their high strength and low weight properties. However, this type of material can be challenging to bond…enter ArcSlice®!

ArcSlice®, a patented technology, is unique in that it can deliver scalable surface processing of non-conductive materials in-situ, unlike other technologies commonly found in aerospace. This is a key benefit as it maximises efficiency and increases sustainability in both production and service.

Current methods of surface processing have many problems, including poor repeatability, contamination, high skill requirements and manual intervention meaning that alternatives are widely sought. ArcSlice® is intended to provide a superior alternative to these current technologies for preparing polymer-based composite materials for bonding or coating. It will deliver a clean, low environmental impact, low cost, repeatable, automated and highspeed solution which can help to increase composite use in space applications and lower the cost of manufacturing through targeted surface processing.

Jonathan Mitchell-Smith, CEO and founder of TextureJet says “We’re thrilled to have won this grant from the UK Space Agency and Midlands Aerospace Alliance. This project will enable TextureJet to develop ArcSlice® from prototype to robotized cell solution, and further validate the performance and viability of the technology, so this is an exciting development for the company”.

The UK Space Agency fosters innovation, ensures safety and reliability, and facilitates the sustainability of space activities. The Midlands Aerospace Alliance was formed in 2003 to support and represent the aerospace industry across the Midlands region. The ‘Pivot into Space’ grant fund is supporting the development of new technologies for application in the space sector that have originated in the supply chains of other industries.

This grant, and expert mentoring support, will help TextureJet to grow and win new business in the space sector both in the Midlands, and in export markets. It will also create and sustain jobs and help to maintain innovation within the UK manufacturing sector on a global platform.

Peter Knight of the MAA says, “It is very satisfying to see a technology that we supported during our Aerospace UP programme continue to develop and find new markets like the space sector, and we are once again looking forward to working with TextureJet.”

About Texture Jet

Established in 2019, TextureJet is delivering a tooling platform with world leading capability to selectively change the surface texture of components, resulting in streamlined production lines. Offering an attractive alternative to existing technologies for surface preparation, post processing or creating complex surface geometries, leading to reductions in environmental impact and costs across the process chain. 

Find out more about ArcSlice®: https://texturejet.com/non-conductive-material-solutions/arcslice/

For more information please contact:  

Dee Harwin

PR & Communications Executive 


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