The AI revolution and UK manufacturing

AI surrounds us and makes up a big part of our daily lives, with further developments almost a given. We are delving into a future where AI integrates into not just robotics and technology but areas such as art and creativity. So what developments are likely to have an impact on manufacturing? Most UK fabrication plants already incorporate elements of AI into manufacture and product development, so how do we think the AI revolution will affect UK Manufacturers, and what should we be looking at now to stay ahead of the game in the future?

The drive for efficiency
AI systems can help fabrication plants to really understand the processes within their factory. Using the latest smart manufacturing systems allows you to see downtimes, breakdown issues and usage. This means productivity can be maximized.  Having systems in place that analyse equipment performance can also mean any potential problems are nipped in the bud before there are any costly breakdowns. This means that the machinery itself will be kept in prime condition, lowering associated maintenance costs. Systems such as Fusion Ops show where each item is around the factory, meaning accurate lead times can be provided.

Advanced robotics also provide more options than ever for the completion of complex tasks. Welding, assembly, and quality checks can all be carried out with a high level of precision and speed, reducing human error, or working alongside human counterparts to provide an extra pair of hands on the job.

Improving decisions with data
With the adoption of AI comes more data. AI systems can review vast amounts of data at once, whether this comes from production lines, supply chains or even market analysis. All of this information allows business owners/managers to make informed choices and take relevant action. A working example of this might be through AI predicting demand fluctuations, allowing the fabrication plant team to plan resources accordingly.

Some systems learn from past work completed too – meaning that when a similar item is required, the sales teams can quote accurately and with confidence.

Through AI programming working in conjunction with smart CNC machines, fabricators are easily able to plan efficiently and switch between different product configurations.  This means we can offer ever more variety and personalisation. Creative Manufacturing already offers a full end-to-end bespoke design and manufacturing service, having adopted this type of technology early on.

Quality Control
While we believe there will always be a demand for a human touch and inspection, improvements in AI means defects will be spotted accurately and speedily.

Human skill development
All of this may have left you wondering, will there be any demand left for humans to work in manufacturing plants? The answer is yes, of course! Whilst many more manual tasks will be automated, new skills will be needed, where problem-solving, oversight and creativity are required. Many will find themselves working alongside, or in charge of, AI machinery.

Challenges and Considerations
Over time, workers are likely to need training and re-skilling, to both understand and effectively work with this changing workplace. This will mean business owners and managers will need to invest heavily, not only in training but also in the technology itself. For many small and mid-sized businesses, this will likely be a gradual change, giving the opportunity to balance the new technology with the potential impacts on their employees.

At Creative Manufacturing, we are looking to digitalise the factory and take this to Industry 5.0 standards. This means not just bringing in new technology, but putting our workers wellbeing first. This can be through a reduction in the number of ‘heavy’ manual tasks or simply upskilling them by using the latest smart systems.

For more information about how Creative is moving towards Industry 5.0, please read our blog piece. To request a quote for your next project, please contact us, we’ll be happy to help!

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Member-created content 2 months ago | From members

Article Tags: AI, AI systems

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