Trent refractories have recently designed, manufactured and delivered three Electric Arc Furnace Delta Roofs Shipped To The USA. This export order forms part of our longer term growth strategy for exporting on a global basis and a major attempt to establish a market for the USA for this specific product. This is a second trial of our product for this location and application. We are looking forward to getting the results on performance and longevity from our customer who is very happy with the quality of our Delta Roof and our capabilities in this industry.
Made at our factory in Scunthorpe our EAF Roof Deltas are known and highly respected in the UK market and we hold the record for roof lives at a local steel works, over 1000 heats! The roof can be designed entirely to your specification and have in built air economisers if you so wish. We also produce Economiser rings to compliment the Deltas. We offer a range of castables to suit this purpose and provide best value in use. We also offer the addition of green chrome where specified.
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Member-created content 4 years ago | From members