Tree Huggers at Groundsfest and APF trade shows

We recently had a fantastic experience exhibiting our biodegradable, plastic-free tree shelters at Groundsfest. The event gave us an excellent opportunity to connect with professionals across various forestry sectors and showcase the environmental benefits of our innovative Tree Hugger guard. Attendees were particularly impressed by how our shelters provide five-year protection for young saplings while being plastic-free and designed to biodegrade naturally once the tree has reached maturity. The enthusiasm for reducing plastic waste and embracing sustainable solutions was evident.

This week, we’re heading to the APF trade show, where we will once again showcase our Tree Hugger guard. We look forward to engaging with forestry professionals, landscapers, and environmentalists, presenting our sustainable solutions for protecting saplings. The show will be a great opportunity to highlight how our guards eliminate plastic pollution in our fields while still supporting the growth of healthy forests. We can’t wait to continue inspiring discussions about the future of sustainable forestry and the role our tree shelters can play in promoting a greener, plastic free environment.


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