The evolution of the luminaire
Luxultra Lighting is technology-driven. We bring the latest lighting technology to commercial and organisational buildings. From warehouse lighting to out-of-town retail centres, garages, and more. Luxultra has a solution that utilises the latestT SMART technology. Using technically advanced luminaires, Luxultra LED lighting brings light to even the darkest corners. Like all our products, the Ultra LedBay is high-performance and energy-efficient.

LED Lighting
If LED lighting is the evolution of the light bulb, then the Luxultra Ultra LedBay is the evolution of the luminaire. The Luxultra Lighting team has been perfecting the use of LED lighting technology with more than forty years combined experience. The results are energy-efficient lighting solutions that add functionality to any space. With Luxultra, you can afford to upgrade the lighting in your facility. Professional LED lighting solutions are more gentle on the eyes and saves money in the long run.

Energy Saving Performance LED
The balance between keeping operating costs low and having a compliant, well-lit work or recreational space used to be out of sync. Today, LED energy-efficient products address that imbalance. LED lighting can save up to 60% of existing energy costs just by upgrading. Simply put, the savings from installing LED lighting could be just the boost your business needs!

The Ultimate Upgrade
Luxultra takes pride in knowing we are a leading supplier of commercial LED lighting solutions. We designed the Ultra LedBay to replace and upgrade old incandescent lighting. Notably, Ultra LedBay luminaires are modular for maximum lighting customisation. These luminaires replace standard Hi-bay / Low-bay and T5 luminaires.

Future Ready
Today’s lighting uses smart technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) to deliver energy efficiency at the point of light. LED does not give off the heat that Incandescent lighting does. The result is a stable electronic-based setup that saves money.

See The Best Luminaires Available
The Ultra LedBay comes manufactured from market-leading components to ensure high performance and quality.

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Member-created content 2 years ago | From members

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