Shield Master, the coating applied to touchpoint surfaces by Wanzl, has been successfully tested to ISO standards against SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. Wanzl is the world’s leading provider of shop equipment including supermarket trolleys and baskets to global retailers. The company’s Shield Master coating, powered by Biomaster antimicrobial technology, can be applied to products such as door handles, hand baskets and colleague equipment within the manufacturing process or it can be added to durable ceramic-based coatings, which can be retrospectively applied to products already in service. In independent tests, Shield Master achieved a 73% reduction of SARS-COV-2 after two hours when compared to a control sample. Shield Master is now available and being implemented rapidly across the Wanzl supply platforms. It currently being rolled out by Asda, who are adding it into trolley handles and various other in-store equipment handled by customers.
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