CP Electronics microwave detectors
Manufactured by Legrand Electric Ltd
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Product Description
Our wide range of standalone PIR sensors and microwave presence detectors are designed to reduce the amount of time lighting is left on unnecessarily, for example if an area is unoccupied or if there is already sufficient natural light.
A presence detector monitors the detection zone for occupancy; if a person is sensed then the detector will automatically turn the lighting on. When the area is vacated, the lighting will turn off after a pre-set time delay, thus saving energy.
Presence detectors are also known as Occupancy Sensors and Motion Detectors - please see our Knowledge Hub for more information.
Energy saving through presence detectors
Our presence detectors enable you to autonomously save energy through only using lighting where necessary and turning lighting off when it is not required.
Controlling lighting with a presence detectors can save up to 60% of lighting energy costs dependent on occupancy behaviour and the amount of natural light available; our PIR switches and microwave sensors can also be used to control heating and ventilation.