dB15 Soundboard
Manufactured by dB Soundboard Ltd
Product Buying Options
Product Capacity: 40 dB15 Sounboards per pallet
Additional Sales Information: You can contact our office by email: info@dbsoundboard.co.uk or phone 0203 3760400 or mobile 075 51370170
Product Description
About dB15 Soundboard:
- We are a manufacturing company proud to be members of Made in Britain.
- We produce a soundproofed product called dB15 Soundboard. It is all sourced in Britain and is designed to prevent sound travel through neighbouring buildings.
- We have been installing soundproofing for more than 8 years. We have researched improved systems throughout. We are proud to bring to the market our dB15 Soundboard.
- dB15 Soundboard has been independently tested in the UK for the UK and has out preformed all its competitors.
- It is ideal for new builds, conversions and conventional domestic properties. We have installed dB15 Soundboard in sound studios with great results. It is compact and easy to use.
Board Specifications:
- Length: 1200mm
- Width: 800mm
- Thickness: 15mm
- Weight: 21kg
How It Works:
- The dB15 Soundboard is made of 15mm thick cardboard shell filled with fined sand which provides excellent mass and density, which is ideal for airborne noise reduction and can be installed on walls, floors and ceilings. It also has a good impact reduction when installed on floors.
- dB15 Soundboard weighs 21kg adding mass to any surface it is installed to.
- We have also designed the cardboard structure with a thicker side for installation to have a better tear strength when it is screwed in.
- It also has less bend and movement due to the structure of the cardboard. This makes installation on ceilings much easier.
- The sand acts as an obstacle course for the sound pressure waive. It has a good effect on long slow base sound. When the sand interacts with the pressure waive it reduces the intensity and much less sound can penetrate.
- dB15 Soundboard is a breathable natural product and can be cut with a blade as well as saw and any similar cutting tool.
- When cut the sand will be exposed and needs to be covered with dB Tape. This is a sticky paper self-adhesive tape, which will keep the sand in the flu. dB15 Soundboard has a one directional flu, when installed horizontally the flu line will minimise sand loss. Therefore, it is quite easy to install pockets in the dB15 Soundboard for example dB15 Backboxes or electric sockets.