DRY CARGO - X-Lam hatch sealing tape
Manufactured by Cullen Metcalfe & Co Ltd
Product Buying Options
Minimum Order Quantity: NO MOQ within UK; MOQ 1 pallet for export
Additional Sales Information: sales@cullenmetcalfe.com jennifer@cullenmetcalfe.com
Product Description
DRY CARGO X-Lam tape is an all purpose hatch tape. Produced in 20mtr rolls; comprised of a tough cross-laminated polyethylene film coated with a polymer bitumen adhesive and interleaved with release paper. Available in 2x widths - 100mm (3x20mtr rolls/box); 150mm (2x20 mtr rolls/box). Nominal thickness: 1.0mm. Pallet loading 75 boxes/pallet.
IMPA code: pending
DRY CARGO tape was introduced in the late 1960s. It was then, and still is, manufactured in England for Cullen, Metcalfe & Co Ltd. The tapes are purpose-produced to meet the demanding and very specific requirements of maritime operations. Our two main DRY CARGO tapes are Heavy Duty (HD) and Standard Duty (SD). You will find further details on our website – www.cullenmetcalfe.com
DRY CARGO is supplied internationally through a network of exclusive importers at main storing ports, from stock supplied directly from UK. To minimise unit costs, we generally supply in minimum pallet or multi-pallet quantities.