Outdoor Kiosk
Manufactured by Lazenby Group
Product Buying Options
Product Capacity: Made to order- Not an off the shelf product
Minimum Order Quantity: Depends on Customer requirements
Additional Sales Information: To buy this product, get into Contact with the Lazenby Group design team and they'd be happy to help. As these are made to order, you can specify design and requirements. T: 01482 329519 E: info@lazenbygroup.co.uk W: www.lazenbygroup.co.uk
Product Description
Outdoor kiosks are durable; therefore, they are designed to withstand various types of weather and elements whether it be dust, rain or snow. Outdoor kiosks are manufactured to facilitate safe and secure functions in a range of environments. Outdoor kiosks are now able to handle more complex tasks which increases customer satisfaction and improves the overall experience offered by businesses.