ActOn Finishing Launches New Smarter Way to Clean Components

ActOn Finishing is pleased to announce the launch of a new Ultrasonic Cleaning Series, designed to clean, descale and strip a large range of components, for industries such as automotive, aerospace, energy, electronics, food, graphics, jewellery, manufacturing, marine, mould cleaning, medical, optical and more. 

ActOn Ultrasonic Cleaning Technology

The ActOn offering includes a Standard Series, a Laboratory Series, the Ultrasonic Machines built for the Automotive Industry and Customised Ultrasonic Systems.

The ultrasonic cleaning is a finishing process, which works on the principle of ultrasound waves (28 to 40 KHz) created in a liquid (usualy water or/ and chemical), to clean the parts. Components are placed in the ActOn ultrasonic tank, in a mix of water and/ or chemical. A generator and ultrasound emitter agitate the liquid mix and create the waves, resulting in small bubles. This action penetrates the particles from the component, such as dirt, rust, grease, oils or any other materials and removes them. 

The main benefits of using the ActOn Ultrasonic Cleaning systems include:

  • These machines come in a wide range of sizes to suit your components
  • Cleans even areas which are difficult to reach. 
  • Offers a fast process & 80% reduction of cleaning time. 
  • Energy cost reduction. 
  • Environmental friendly process. 
  • Repeatable high quality results.

TT Standard Ultrasonic Series

The Ultrasonic Stadard Series has been designed to clean, descale and pickling a wide range of components. These machines come in different sizes (from 30 litres to 7998 litres capacity) and can be built with a lifting platform for loading and unloading the parts.

LT-PRO Laboratory Ultrasonic Series

The LT-PRO series includes a range of small sized ultrasonic machines, designed for cleaning dental implants, small electrical parts, jewellery, watches, laboratory equipment, medical and surgical instruments and glasses. These systems are particullary usefull as a previous step to sterilisation, in the medical and optical industries. 

MOT Automotive Ultrasonic Series

The Ultrasonic MOT range includes machines with a capacity between 30 and 8000 litres and are built to clean oils, grease and carbon built-ups from automotive components such as turbocharger structures, carburetors, gearboxes, engine blocks, crankshafts, camshafts, con-rods, pistons and more. This equipment uses a working frequency of 40kHz (sweep system +2%) to efficiently process soft materials such as aluminium, brass or magnesium, without damaging the components. 

Tailored Solutions

At ActOn Finishing we offer a range of Ultrasonic Systems custom made for the automotive, aerospace, food, electronics, electroplating, graphics, machining and turning, maintenance, marine, mold, nuclear and medical and pharmaceutical industries. These ultrasonic machines are offered in a wide range of sizes and include 3 types of systems:

One-Tank Special Equipment: these machines are offered with a capacity ranging from 75 litres to approx. 2000 litres. All models are custom made for industrial cleaning and specific processes:

Special Equipment Manual Multistage: designed for finishing processes which require different stages, such as rinsing, drying or different treatments in addition to cleaning. Depending on the component’s cleaning requirements these machines can be built with a number of tanks, with a wide range of capacities. 

Multistage Automatic Smart Line: fully automated systems with a load capacity ranging from 20 to 100 Kg. This equipment is designed to meet the highest requirements for industrial cleaning.

Sid Gulati, Managing Director at ActOn Finishing, said the ActOn Ultrasonic Cleaning series fits perfectly with the firm’s existing range of surface finishing products. He states: “We are continuously developing and adding new products to our range of finishing solutions and are certainly excited with our new range of ultrasonic technology. ActOn are here to offer you a complete solution."

At ActOn Finishing, we offer a wide range of surface finishing machines, methods and finishing processes to suit your specific needs. For any advice on your process or machinery get in touch with us today.

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