Companies urged to file accounts early and online to avoid delays

If you’re due to file accounts with Companies House by the end of September, use its online services where possible and allow plenty of time before your deadline

SEPTEMBER is always a busy time with many companies due to file accounts with Companies House before the end of the month.

Companies House is continuing to follow government guidance for working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19). This means it could take longer than usual to process paper documents sent by post.

File your accounts online.

Companies House online services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week - and there are inbuilt checks to help you avoid mistakes.

It can take as little as 15 minutes from start to finish and you’ll know your accounts have been delivered on time. Companies House will send you an email to confirm it has received your accounts, and another email when it has registered them.

To file online, you’ll need your company authentication code. If you need to request a new code, you should allow up to five days for this to arrive at the company’s registered office.

You can also use third-party software to file your accounts.

You should only send paper accounts if your company cannot file online. Accounts filed on paper need to be manually checked and processed by Companies House teams during office opening hours.

If you need to file your accounts on paper, you should send them well before the deadline. This will give you plenty of time to correct your accounts and resend them if they are rejected. You should also consider using guaranteed next-day delivery, but Companies House will not accept postal delays as an excuse for filing late.

It’s the directors’ responsibility to file a company’s accounts. You could get a criminal record, a fine and disqualification if you do not deliver your accounts on time.

By Made in Britain 3 years ago | By Made in Britain

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