Devon Neighbours Unite To Rewild On A Grand Scale

The landowners have a shared vision for creating a complex, nature-willed landscape that encourages an increasingly rich and evolving tapestry of biodiversity. 

A number of steps have been undertaken to stimulate ecological recovery across the 230-acre site, from wetland and pond creation, habitat piles and restoration of species-rich meadows through seed translocation. Natural regeneration has been encouraged, supplemented with native tree planting. Land drains have been broken up to restore hydrological processes on site and encourage natural wetlands to form.

In 2020 beavers were reintroduced to the area and harvest mice were released to bolster the existing population. A water vole reintroduction project is currently underway.

As proud supporters of the Rewilding Britain charity, Turnstyle Designs were kindly invited for a visit, along with similar charities  supporting wildlife conservation and environmental projects.

Land owner Dorette Engi and her daughter Eti led the 2 hour guided walk around the site with plenty of information about the rewilding project and discussion throughout the group.

Dorette, a child psychotherapist from north London, moved to rural Devon in 2020 during lockdown. Motivated to be proactive  and do something practical about the climate and wildlife crises, she bought a 92-hectare (230-acre) farm and started a process of “creative destruction”.  

With plans to reintroduce beavers, pine martens, storks and maybe even a lynx, Dorette, along with neighbouring farmers, created the first Rewilding Britain cluster, rewilding project.

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Member-created content 1 year ago | From members

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