Everybody loves a great story

WE’RE living in the age of the story. Actually, we have always lived in the age of the story, it’s just become fashionable to acknowledge it with the ‘s’ word. News, reality shows, podcasts, the great ones all tell stories, just like the best books and films have done for years.

Made in Britain member Callaly has got a great story to tell. The company has reinvented feminine hygiene products; items that haven’t changed much for decades. Founder Thang Vo-Ta knows the power of storytelling and we have featured his business in these news articles before. Thang writes a personal blog, too.

By telling and re-telling the Callaly story, he has generated great publicity for his business and this month Thang Vo-Ta’s amazing journey has been reported in The Manufacturermagazine and the Telegraph.

In The Manufacturer, Maddy White tells the Callaly story so far, with great quotes from Thang. It’s a great read, so check it out: https://www.themanufacturer.com/articles/innovating-the-27bn-industry-that-has-not-changed-for-over-80-years/

Matthew Caines looks at the wider subject of innovation in small businesses in his piece for the Telegraph. Thang Vo-Ta shares with Michael his thoughts about product innovation and the value of feedback from customers. Read it here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/connect/small-business/innovation-new-ideas-lifeblood-good-business/

Made in Britain collects stories from its members and helps to generate positive PR by re-telling them. As you can see, we also re-tell the ones that have been told elsewhere, to make sure you don’t miss them. We also provide advice and information on writing press releases at our regular workshops around the country. There’s even a formatted press release template available from the members’ area of the website.

Everybody loves a great story; what’s yours?

By Made in Britain 5 years ago | By Made in Britain

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