Fire Safety Thought Leadership: Electronically Controlled Fire Sprinklers

Over the past couple of months, Plumis worked with Dr Hopkin and Dr Spearpoint on a series of fire engineering research papers.

The first has just been published in the Fire Safety Journal and is available for free download for the next 50 days ( The research presented in the paper is part of a broader project to examine how an electronically controlled nozzle system performs compared to traditional sprinkler systems and consider its impact on hazards that are not currently captured in existing standard test methods.

Plumis created some tests for refrigerator fires which burn significantly slower and with more smoke output than the fire source used to assess suppression systems within standards.

The research concludes, "for the specific experiments presented in this paper, the measured activation times of a concealed sprinkler head are 2.0–13.7 times slower than those using an electronic nozzle system".

The intention was also to provide fire engineers with the input parameters and assumptions necessary to represent these systems in performance-based assessments and respond to calls for innovation.

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