Turning a negative into a positive through the Green Friday campaign!
Black Friday has always been an issue for Foxology Founder Dawn Foxall, it originating in America as a marketing ploy to get people to spend more on stuff they don't necessarily want or need!
After the year we have had, there is more reason to slow down our consumption and be thoughtful about what we do buy. So instead of discounting, Foxology is joining forces with OneTribeGlobal and supporting Rainforest Alliance with a donation for every sale made through the website. The donation protects 25 trees per sale, so you are helping to protect our planet when you buy online.
Rainforests are the lungs of our planet, the natural solution to climate change that remove and store CO2 from our atmosphere. Imagine if everything you purchased helped protect them… Instant Climate Action!
Now you can fight the climate crisis every time you buy from Foxology!
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Member-created content 4 years ago | From members