Liquid solid separator for whiskey grains

The Russell Liquid Solid Separator™ provides an effective solution for off-grain fermentation

When it comes to perfecting the taste of whiskey, craft distilleries will do all they can to strike that balance between production efficiency and quality. One mid-sized US craft distillery consulted Russell Finex to achieve a purer flavor for their whiskey while boosting production.

One method of achieving a purer taste is ‘fermenting off the grain’. This is when grains are removed prior to fermentation, while also allowing a larger volume of liquid to be distilled. Removing the grains also eliminates any undesirable flavors otherwise caused by tannins.

Using the Russell Liquid Solid Separator™ to remove grains, the distillery saw an immediate boost in production by 25%. The centrifugal separator allowed for more grains to be removed than before, allowing a greater capacity for production. In addition, they were able to improve the flavor of their spirit while minimizing costs and their environmental impact.

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For efficient liquid solid separation, contact Russell Finex to find out how we can improve your production.

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Member-created content 2 years ago | From members

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