Members asked for input to Turkey trade agreement

The UK has kicked off preparations to negotiate a new Free Trade Agreement with Turkey by launching a call for input asking businesses, organisations, and individuals to help shape the UK’s negotiating aims ahead of talks.  

Via its role as a member of the UK’s Trade Advisory Groups, Made in Britain is pleased to help extend that call to member companies.

We know from Made in Britain's recent Export Survey that Turkey is a popular market.

The UK government is asking, by 5 January:
 • what you think about our current trading arrangements with Turkey;
 • where the UK could make changes or improvements; and,
 • where you are facing challenges or constraints when attempting to trade with Turkey.


In December 2020, the UK and Turkey signed the UK-Turkey Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which has been in force since 1 January 2021.  It replicates, as closely as possible, the terms of the EU-Turkey Customs Union and provides the basis for our trading relationship with Turkey.  It serves as a platform from which the UK government can begin the process of negotiating a new trade deal, tailored to the needs of the UK.

UK businesses currently benefit from the UK's trade deal with Turkey, which covers liberalisation across goods trade.  However, there are opportunities to upgrade this deal.  Opportunities include potential to take account of modern trade practices, improve market access and reduce barriers to businesses.

Ahead of agreeing a UK mandate for these negotiations, the Department for Business and Trade is seeking input from members of the public, businesses, civil society and other interested stakeholders to inform our negotiation objectives and understanding of the economic, environmental and social impacts of a new FTA with Turkey.

Access the consultation survey here. The deadline for input is 5 January 2024. Read more information here.

Please email: to make contact with Made in Britain or Advisor, George Middleton, in relation to:
> Support to grow your company's exports; or,

> More details on Made in Britain’s International Trade Programme.

By Made in Britain 1 year ago | By Made in Britain

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