In keeping with our philosophy of always striving for best practice, Manthorpe Building Products has signed up to Operation Clean Sweep®.
Led in the UK by the British Plastics Federation, the initiative’s aim is to ensure that plastic pellets, flakes, and powders that pass-through manufacturing facilities in the UK are contained and do not escape into waterways.
Signing up to the Operation Clean Sweep® pledge is a commitment to adhere to best practice and implement systems on a continuous improvement basis to prevent plastic pellet loss.
This covers activities such as the correct way of handling, transferring, loading, and unloading plastic pellets and how to prevent spills, and responsible clean-up procedures to guarantee zero pellet loss. Important to successful implementation, and already applied at Manthorpe, is the provision of awareness and training throughout the business.
More than 250 sites across the UK have already signed up to Operation Clean Sweep®, which up until now have largely been plastics manufacturing plants. However, more companies who handle plastic materials along the supply chain are now acting and pledging their commitment to zero pellet loss.
The responsible handling of pellets not only protects the environment but also delivers a more effective and efficient service for our customers, so our goal is quite simply zero pellet loss.®
Find out more about Manthorpe Building Products on their member profile page here
Member-created content 3 years ago | From members