Pulsar Instruments

For a limited time and exclusive to Made in Britain membership, Pulsar Instruments are offering a 15% discount off their entire list prices.

Pulsar Instruments are a manufacturer of industrial noise measurement products based in North Yorkshire.  Since 1969, we have helped big brands and small concerns around the world comply with the Noise legislation.

Our instruments are designed to help employers safeguard their workers’ hearing by monitoring noise levels accurately, identify work locations where there are noise problems and employees who may be affected. Our professional sound level meters, personal noise dosemeters and noise-activated warning systems capture essential evidential data to avoid costly civil compensation claims for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).

For a limited time, Pulsar Instruments are offering Made in Britain Members a 15% discount off their list prices including bookings on our Noise Awareness Courses in 2018.

Call Pulsar Instruments today 01723 518011 or visit their website pulsarinstruments.com quoting MIB092017 to obtain your discount.

This offer is available exclusively to Made in Britain members based in the UK. Offer ends 30th November 2017.


By Made in Britain 7 years ago | From members

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