Stoney Stanton Lawn Tennis Club - Case study

Stoney Stanton Lawn Tennis Club was formed in 1962 with the enthusiasm and determination of a few dedicated villagers, some of whom are still active members of the club today. From fairly modest beginnings, with two shale courts, the club has evolved significantly over the years.

Now boasting four courts, with three courts being available for use up until 10pm in the evening thanks to Floodlighting, Stoney Stanton Tennis Club is an established institution with over 150 members.

We recently visited the club, where we have installed 28 Skyline Virtus LED Floodlights across three courts. Whilst all of the installed Floodlights are in use, our products result in >400 lux average illuminance across the Proposed Playing Area, and >300 lux average illuminance across the Total Playing Area. The lighting design which our team produced for the project also complied with ILP GN01/21 where obtrusive light was concerned.

Members from Stoney Stanton Tennis Club joined us for our visit, and they were supportive of the lighting upgrade, stating that the change from the previously installed 36 400W Metal Halide Floodlights had resulted in an even spread of light, better lighting levels more generally, as the previous fittings were not all working, and a more positive experience as a whole thanks to the immediate nature of the lights coming into use. The previous fittings had been slow to turn on, whereas our Skyline Virtus products are instant and require little to no maintenance.

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