Tender Opportunity - Effluent storage upgrade project

Tender Opportunity

We are committed to caring for the environment, and as part of our environmental policy we are seeking to make further improvements to our ways of working.  We are seeking expressions of interest to work with us as we continue to develop our internal manufacturing processes. We welcome expressions of interest from businesses or individuals with proven experience of delivering effluent storage upgrade solutions for drainage/effluent/sewerage system installations.

Scoping Project

Effluent storage upgrade at our manufacturing site in Launceston, Cornwall.

Project goals

To reduce our dependency and frequency on contractor removal of stored effluent by enabling maximising of dispatch volume of 3500L

Project Requirements

To increase storage capacity in excess of 3500gal (16kL) minimum to maximise on transport capacity of removal contractor. Additional capacity will allow a buffer for potential over-run (20kL is suggested, equivalent to 1 full extra scour). The solution should be made up in line with local bylaws and standards.

Major deliverables

Installation of required storage (either above or below ground, however below ground is preferred) capacity with any necessary utility support. Consideration should be paid to the properties of the stream being pumped when selecting any equipment (up to 75˚C, with organic oil content and light solids content <5%) .

Indication of success

Achieve a usable, accessible and maintainable storage capacity increase to 20kL (±10%).

Contract awarded

To be confirmed, subject to external funding being awarded

Delivery/project timeline

To be confirmed, subject to external funding being awarded

Application process

Expressions of Interest are welcomed.  Please send a one-page document outlining your experience and interest in partnering with us.  This should be sent via email to enquiries@thenaturalfibre.co.uk

Deadline to submit an EOI: Tuesday 5 October, 5pm

For further details please visit www.thenaturalfibre.co.uk


Find out more about Blacker Yarns and The Natural Fibre Company on their member profile page here

Member-created content 3 years ago | From members

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