SUNDAY 4 July has been designated Thank You Day. Members of Made in Britain can all post their own news stories on this website. We're inviting you to put this to good use by saying your own 'thank yous'.
In the days leading up to #ThankYouDay, we would like you to log in to your account on the website and follow the instructions for creating your own news story. We've written a handy guide to the process here (click).
Your story should be used to say a big thank you to somebody you think deserves it. It could be a member of staff, it could be your boss, it could be a supplier, it could be somebody who went 'above and beyond' to help, it could be somebody who just did something nice. You will, hopefully, have already said thank you in person, but this is a bit more public in terms of recognition. There may be other people you want to thank, of course: key workers, care workers, volunteers, emergency services and the good old NHS.
The story can have your business's name in the headline and should tell the world who you would like to thank. So, for example, 'Made in Britain would like to thank all its 1,700 plus members for their support'. That's a bit obvious, so we're relying on you all to come up with something a bit more engaging, heart-warming, even.
Please use your article to tell everybody the story behind the message of thanks and if you publish a photo of the person being thanked, please obtain their permission first. We will be selecting stories to share with our social media and PR teams.
There is a list of suggested activities for #ThankYouDay itself on the official website, here. On 4 July we will create a single news page that has links to all the members' thank you stories we have seen on the website's news section. This will result in a big #ThankYouDay thank you from members of Made in Britain to all those people you think deserve it. It's your chance to show your appreciation, so let's hear your stories.
By Made in Britain 3 years ago | By Made in Britain