We've planted 750 trees with Ecologi!

We have joined Ecologi!

We can happily announce that we have now joined Ecologi! Ecologi is a UK start up that has a range of projects that plant trees and focus on carbon reduction. We recognise how essential these activities are in the fight against climate change, which is why we have opted to join Ecologi.

We will be planting trees and contributing to carbon reduction projects both as a way to improve the climate situation, and cut our own carbon footprint. Not only that, we actually have the ultimate goal of becoming completely carbon-neutral.

Ecologi’s work has two main directions: tree planting, and funding some of the world’s best carbon offsetting projects, which you get to support by joining.

Some of the tree planting projects include:

  • Planting forest gardens in Tanzania
    This project works with partner Trees for the Future over a two year period where over 1.8 million trees will be planted , involving 600 local farmers.
  • Protecting and restoring Andean forests in Bolivia
    This project sees Global Forest Generation work with Ecologi to plant 300,000 trees in the Andes mountains over the next 2 years.
  • Reforesting around the UK
    The Protect Earth team works with Ecologi and UK members of Ecologi can specifically request for local trees to be planted. They have been planted all across the UK with main objectives including reducing carbon in the atmosphere, reducing flood risks and improving air quality.

See some of Ecologi’s carbon offsetting projects highlighted below:

  • Generating electricity from landfill gas in Brazil
    This project uses methane produced in the landfills and uses it to generate energy. Two engines will be used to produce 350,000 MWh of energy during their lifetime.
  • Fuel efficient cookstoves in Honduras
    This aims to reduce the use of biomass like wood for cooking on open top stoves and makes them more efficient, largely reducing the amount of wood needed to cook a meal.
  • Producing electricity from wind power in Northeast Thailand
    The demand for energy in Thailand is expected to rise by 78% by 2036, so looking at renewable sources for this area is urgent. This project looks at wind farms West Huaybong 2 and 3 which will generate 500,000 MWh of electricity a year, which prevents 250,000 tonnes of CO2 being emitted each year.

You can read more about Ecologi and it’s other projects here. 

Our objectives of contributing to carbon reduction projects and cutting our own carbon footprint are already being actioned: we have planted 750 trees and reduced 8 tonnes of carbon!

We have been able to support a number of different projects across the globe, with 330 trees going to restoring forests in Kenya, 190 trees to mangrove planting in Madagascar and 5.6 tonnes of carbon reduction to wind power projects in Thailand. We are so pleased that we've been able to contribute to these projects and are looking forward to continuing to do so in the future. For more regular updates on our Ecologi journey you can follow our social media pages here: Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook  and Twitter.

Find out more about Measom Freer & Company Ltd. on their member profile page here

Member-created content 2 years ago | From members

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