Why attach lighting to a shipping container

Domino Clamps - The smartest way to attach almost anything to shipping containers.

It’s not only the practical reasons for adding lighting to a shipping container to consider, as restrictions are slowly lifted, stage lighting or festoon can be used to enhance the appearance of a venue or concession stand making it more appealing to potential customers

Attaching lighting to a shipping container is quick and easy with Domino Clamps and requires no drilling or welding. And with no damage it's an ideal solution to containers which have been rented in, without having any issues with the container hire company when they get returned. 

To read the full blog: Why attach lighting to a shipping container, visit our website here.

For more information regarding Domino Clamps or to discuss specific requirements please email hello@dominoclamps.com 

Happy Clamping!


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Member-created content 3 years ago | From members

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