Donut Personal Control Descent Device
Manufactured by Donut International Limited
Product Buying Options
Product Capacity: Made to Order
Minimum Order Quantity: One Unit
Additional Sales Information: Please contact the manufacturer, Donut International Ltd, directly and we shall be happy to provide a quote. Alternatively most reputable Safety Equipment distributors are able to supply Donut Units.
Product Description
Donut Units are for whenever a person may have to escape, or be rescued, to sea. They offer a safe portable alternative means of escape from an offshore platform when evacuation systems are unavailable.
Users do not have to jump into the sea; it prevents injury and the risk of drowning. The person is attached to the platform to prevent them from being washed away and lost at sea. The same Donut device can be used to lower injured persons.
Each Unit has an expected life in excess of 25 years.