Print Dampening Circulators - PRESSMATE CS660, CS680, CS6100 (6.0kW \ 8.0kW \ 10.0kW)
Manufactured by MGE
Product Buying Options
Product Capacity: 5 per month
Minimum Order Quantity: 1
Additional Sales Information: Single Units are often held in stock. Multiple units usually take 2-4 weeks from order.
Product Description
MGE's larger CS660, CS680 and CS6100 PressMate systems are designed for use on larger sheet and web fed presses, they provide refrigeration, circulation to \ from the press, filtration and alcohol dosing. The redesigned cabinet provides easy access with detachable panels making the unit significantly more service friendly and with MGE's proven alcohol control system and anti-foam filtration bags, the result is a simpler, better solution to support all your printing needs.
CS660, CS680 and CS6100 units incorporate:
* 6kW, 8kW or 10kW of refrigeration using a plate heat exchanger
* 170 litre working capacity solution tank
* Multiple press venturi feeds and returns or pumpback tank option
* Digital temperature display
* In-line filter protection for the suction venturi
* Alcosystem or alcomixer alcohol control for conventional printing
* No alcohol option for alcohol free printing
* Attachments for optional dosing equipment
To complement the Pressmate dampening units, MGE offer Fount Dosing solutions, used to control the pH level of the fountain solution. The MX-2, MX-3 and MX-4 dosers are available for these size systems if fount dosing is required.
For larger presses, a pumpback system can be used instead of the venturi suction returns. Pump back systems come with either 60 or 120 litre collection tanks and are fitted with a filtration tray as standard. An optional second pump can also be installed to provide immediate backup in case of an issue with the primary pump.