PUK FIX BOOST Domestic Fixed Speed Booster Pump

Manufactured by Pumps UK Ltd

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Additional Sales Information: We designed the PUK FIX BOOST as a fixed speed alternative to the PUK VARI BOOST and it is ideal for applications that do not require variable performance such as filling a tank at height or some industrial equipment.

Product Description

The PUK FIX BOOST is a fixed speed pressure booster pump that has been designed to automatically supply water at a fixed rate. Control is provided by a pressure switch so when a pressure drop is sensed (below a pre-set level) the pump starts and runs until pressure is restored. This style of pump is ideal for applications such as filling a water tank that is situated at the top of a building (for gravity systems) and for various industrial machinery.

For applications where you need a pump that can vary its performance to match demand and hold a pre-set pressure then look at the PUK VARI BOOST as this style of pump can provide a specific pressure precisely with varying demands.

We test and pre-commission each unit before shipment so that installation is as simple as possible. All that is required is for your to bolt the pump in place, fit the inlet/outlet and turn on the power.

For optimal operation, this pump should be connected to an adequately sized break tank so that the outlet flow rate will not drain the tank too quickly when the system is at full flow. To give a 5 minute storage time the minimum size for the tank would be 300 litres but ideally, we suggest a 500-litre tank.

  • PUK FIX BOOST 3-60
    Recommended Head Setting: 3 Bar
    Recommended Flow Rate: 1 l/s (60 l/m)
  • PUK FIX BOOST 3-120
    Recommended Head Setting: 3 Bar
    Recommended Flow Rate: 2 l/s (120 l/m)
  • PUK FIX BOOST 5-60
    Recommended Head Setting: 5 Bar
    Recommended Flow Rate: 1 l/s (60 l/m)

Contact our team for discuss the best option to suit your requirements.

Manufacturer Profile

Pumps UK Ltd

Building & Construction / Water Services

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